Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back from where the sidewalk ends...

Having been gone for the last few weeks, I was surprised (pleasantly), at the new responses from my last post, so I intend to be following up during the next few days on all of them.
My absence was a result of a projection design gig that I had- and the story was a culmination of interviews, copious research, and news footage (which became my job to show, amongst other things)...and, to celebrate that project's completion, I went on vacation for a few days.

So, an update: the space had potential, but, quite honestly, we're not ready to move on it, mainly because:

1: The cost of everything has not been thought out, nor has the financial plan been written out...

2: Money has yet to be raised, and investors have yet to be brought on...

I have also been spending a good amount of time on re-designing my portfolio and mailing them out to numerous theatres. That now having been done, I will have much more time to devote to making progress with the bookstore, as I am encouraged by the community response thus far. I also plan to focus less on non related events in this blog, as a.) they're none of your business, and b.)pulling focus from what I really want to talk about and get in action with.

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