Friday, September 21, 2007

Growth of the Neighborhood...

I had the opportunity to visit Crescent & Vine, a new wine bar in the neighborhood, and was pleased to see yet another example of a new business that is catering to the fact that ours is a neighborhood whose demographics is gradually growing younger, and that, in order to both survive and grow as a community, has to let go of the traditional types of businesses that have existed up until now...
To's not about the type of business you bring can be a nail salon, it can be a deli, it can be a DVD rental store...any business will work as long as you allow the community to engage and create it, and as long as you connect with the community that you're part of.  Cookie cutter businesses, as long as they provide for a strong demand, will survive.  Starbucks, T-Mobile, etc. can survive in most neighborhoods provided the service is reliable.  However, independent stores WILL NOT THRIVE without engaging the needs and interests of the community.
I've read enough blogs and forums to observe that people's opinions of a place can be extremely varied and inconsistent.  Everyone's experience of a place will be quite different, depending on their expectations and, for me, to complain about the quality of a store is irresponsible unless you let your complaint be known to the establishment.  Are the drinks overpriced? Let them know.  Is there too much ice in that ice coffee? tell them.  You're the customer, and you have the power to shape their business.  You don't have to resign to paying their prices, and you don't have to stop going or bad-mouth a place to make a difference.

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